Share A Coke 1,000 Name Celebration
We had a brief for a 30-second spot to say names were back on Coke bottles. Instead, we created a totally unique song for every name. Over 1,000 of them.

1,000 Name Celebration Case Study
One Show Best in Category & Gold / Radio Custom Content
One Show Silver / Innovation in Radio
One Show Silver / Experiential Radio
One Show Bronze / Craft Use of Music
One Show Merits / Mobile, Innovation in Social, Integrated, Craft
Cannes Silver and Bronze Lions / Brand Experience & Activation
Cannes Silver Lions x2 / Radio & Audio
Cannes Bronze Lion / Digital & Social Real-time Response
Cannes Bronze Lion / Media - Branded Content for Digital or Social
Cannes Lions Shortlists x9
AdStars Asia / Grand Prix, 2 Crystal, 2 Gold, 11 Silver, 4 Bronze
Clios / Gold in Innovation, Silver, 2 Bronze
Art Directors Club Silver Cube / Innovation
D&AD Wood Pencil / Crafts for Advertising
D&AD Wood Pencil / Use of Radio & Audio
Webby People's Voice Nominee / Real-Time Response
Webby Honoree / Technical Achievement
New York Festivals / First Prize, Second Prize x2, Third Prize
Radio Mercury Awards / Best of Show
Creativity's Integrated & Interactive Campaigns of the Year
Communication Arts / Ad Annual
Epica Awards/ Silver & Bronze

My favorite part is that the whole department wrote songs. Writers, art directors, interns - even project managers and producers got in on the action.